“Ghostbusters: Afterlife” (2021) | Now on Netflix starting September 24th

Ghostbusters: Afterlife is a 2021 movie directed by Jason Reitman. Starring Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard.

A nostalgic, enjoyable, and faithful return to the spirit of the eighties.

Not bad at all.

Synopsis of “Ghostbusters: Afterlife

A mother and her two children discover a connection to the original Ghostbusters in a dilapidated house. And there can be no Ghostbusters without. . ghosts.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)

The Film. Review

When you’re the son of the original director and you want to make a film about a legendary film your father made. . doubts begin to arise: whether it’s necessary, whether it will be a disaster, whether. .

None of that. “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” is a fantastic film that couldn’t be more faithful to the spirit of the original or more respectful to the millions of fans of the original. It’s a pure and straightforward revival that doesn’t aim to invent anything new (we won’t mention that other film that tried to change things and failed miserably).

In addition to everything, it’s a well-balanced film, well-directed, and with a great sense of rhythm (no chaos here, this filmmaker knew how to make a film, not just a spectacle).

There was some risk involved, yes, but the film knows how to handle the timing of that 80s cinema, a mix of The Goonies, Spielberg, and that innocent entertainment-for-entertainment’s-sake that can’t help but please us.

A true tribute. Jason Reitman knows how to carry on his father’s legacy and give us this gift to the fans, and in a way, revive a childhood without cell phones, where a film was more than a “use and discard” experience. In a way, it manages to bring back the freshness, respect, and even creativity of the original spirit.

A great accomplishment that has delighted us.

It doesn’t aspire to reach the heights of the classic, it pays homage, tells us a story, entertains us like its predecessor, and manages to transport us back to a time when, let’s admit it, we were all a little (or a lot) happier.

I believe you’re going to love it!

Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)

Our Opinion

Absolutely faithful to the original spirit. A film made with respect, admiration, and knowledge. And it’s fun on top of that.

Movie Trailer

YouTube video
Martin Cid
Martin Cid
Writer, pipe smoker and founder of MCM
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