“Non Negotiable”: A Thrilling Yet Hilarious Tale of Kidnapping, Corruption, and Deceptive Marriages on Netflix

An Entertaining Dive into a Mexican Film that Cleverly Blends Comedy with Thriller

Non Negotiable” is a Mexican movie thriller starring Mauricio Ochmann, Leonardo Ortizgris and Tato Alexander.

“Non Negotiable” is an engaging Mexican film that adeptly interweaves elements of a thriller with a heavy dose of comedy. The movie is rich with corrupt politicians and kidnapping scenarios, all laced with the fine humor of director Juan Taratuto, offering audiences a lot more than just laughs.

While this film may not dramatically change your life or unveil any profound truths, “Non Negotiable” guarantees entertainment and more importantly, it will draw a smile on your face with its distinctly Mexican sense of humor.


The crux of the plot revolves around a kidnapped President, and a negotiator who is nothing short of a compulsive liar. Adding to the negotiator’s tribulations, his wife too, has been kidnapped. The perpetrator demands a hefty ransom, but with a surprisingly altruistic intent – the money is for institutions, hospitals, and health centers. At its core, the kidnapper is seemingly a vigilante exposing the President’s corruption.

About the Movie

“Non Negotiable” stands out for its ironic and intelligent humor, engaging premise, dynamic dialogues, and brilliant acting, particularly by Mauricio Ochmann who effortlessly carries the film. It is very much an actor’s movie with standout performances by Leonardo Ortizgris, Tato Alexander, and Enoc Leaño who manifest the corrupt President. The comedy unfolds over a single night’s kidnapping, without the need for grand chases or striking action sequences.

The film doesn’t aspire to be a blockbuster but is content in providing entertainment, humor, and presenting a mirror to the corrupt politicos. There are moments in the film that will have you in splits, although the film leans more towards inducing a smile than triggering outright laughter: it is Mexico laughing at itself with a self-aware, ironic, and intelligent tone.

Our Take

“Non Negotiable” is a straightforward and effective film that allows itself to enjoy the thriller genre in a relaxed and jovial manner. The excellent performances coupled with the witty script, although not earth-shattering, leave a lasting impression and manage to brighten up your day with a smile. Enjoy the show!

Where to Watch “Non Negotiable”


Molly Se-kyung
Molly Se-kyung
Molly Se-kyung is a novelist and film and television critic. She is also in charge of the style sections.
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