“Black Lotus” – A Prime Video Thriller Starring Frank Grillo

An Action-packed Journey with a Heroic Ex-Soldier Battling Fierce Villains

Black Lotus” is a thriller written and directed by Todor Chapkanov starring Rico Verhoeven and Frank Grillo.

“Black Lotus”, a thriller movie that perfectly captures the essence of bold heroes, malevolent villains, and the twisted world of crime and terror. The film is a non-stop ride filled with soldiers, ruthless crimes, terrorism, and a continuous show of firepower. This genre, even though it may seem somewhat overplayed due to repetitive plotlines and predictable sequences, continues to captivate a loyal fanbase.

The main draw of “Black Lotus” is undoubtedly Frank Grillo. Famous for his chameleon-like ability to eliminate boundaries between himself and his characters, he takes on the role of a highly malevolent villain.

Black Lotus
Black Lotus

The Plot:

The story revolves around Matteo, an ex-soldier who returns to Amsterdam only to become entangled in a kidnapping. The victim? The daughter of a dear friend who tragically lost his life on a previous mission.

About the Film:

Have we seen better films? Absolutely. More original plots? Yes, they exist. Films with a more humorous touch? Definitely. However, “Black Lotus” has a unique virtue: it delivers exactly what it sets out to promise – a high-stakes action film about ex-soldiers braving a world rampant with organized crime and despicable villains hell-bent on accumulating wealth.

The protagonist’s introduction is almost cliché yet familiar – a shirtless man lifting heavy logs – a scene that “Black Lotus” unabashedly employs to the tee. Although the film is packed with clichés and a rapid pace that’s somewhat worn due to overuse, it manages to strike a chord with fans of the genre. It would have effortlessly fit into the action film roster of the eighties, but thirty years on, it does seem a bit spent.

Our Opinion:

Unfortunately, given the current standard of American cinema, we find it difficult to recommend. Lacking in ambition, it could have been another movie in the video club from the eighties, but today it’s simply another film released on a streaming platform.

Where to Watch “Black Lotus”

Prime video

YouTube video

The Cast

Rico Verhoeven
Rico Verhoeven
Peter Franzén
Peter Franzén
Frank Grillo
Frank Grillo
Roland Møller
Roland Møller

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