Persuasion – Movie Review – Netflix Releases

Persuasion is a 2022 drama movie released on Netflix in July

Persuasion is a 2022 Netflix movie starring Dakota Johnson and Cosmo Jarvis. It is directed by Carrie Cracknell. It is an adaptation of Jane Austen‘s classic novel.


The smart and pretty Anne Elliot is 27 years old an still unmarried, not exactly a status symbol back in the day. She had, though, been engaged seven years prior to the handsome Captain Wentworth, but pressured by family and friends broke off the engagement.

A sharp turn of events takes place as her father, Sir Walter Elliot, finds himself in financial dire straits, and is bound to rent the family estate to none other than the sister of Anne’s former fiancé. While the rest of her family decides to move to their beach, Anne chooses to stay in the estate, which will inevitably lead to a run-in, or two, with the Captain.

Persuasion (2022)
Persuasion (2022)

Movie Review

This adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel, Persuasion, cannot be classified as a masterpiece in cinematography, but it is not bad either. The main character, Anne, is well performed by Dakota Jonson. She manages to pull off the required subtleties of both an era, the early 19th century, and of decent acting, which is a timeless criterion in the seventh art. The movie is quirky, and sufficiently entertaining to grab the attention of a younger audience. Staying true to the essence of Jane Austin’s account, it does give itself a few creative license, in its attempt to bring the whole setting up-to-date, barring the costume design and most of the dialogue. Although it should be noted that slight liberties are taken with the language, but none that offend.

Another aspect that is amusing, is how the main character addresses the audience directly into the camera, sharing her thoughts, creating more intimacy, and engaging the viewers as one would with a confidant. I couldn’t help but think of Sally Porter’s Orlando, the adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s novel, where the same technique is applied.

Yes, this is a watchable movie, keep in mind though, that it is more focused on the dialogue than on the narrative artifice, i.e. the photography and sequences. Paradoxically, the focus on the dialogue is precisely what gives the movie a narrative flow, it is the movie’s strength. Do not expect extraordinary visuals, nor mind-blowing special effects. As far as the score goes, it is not one that will make you want to compile a playlist with the soundtrack. The scenery is beautiful, being the English countryside in all its glory, not due to the photography, but thanks to the nature itself. It might indulge the more romantic souls. It might too though, be snubbed by die-hard Austen fans.

Persuasión (2022)
Persuasion (2022)

It stays true to Austen’s social commentary concerning classism, and the rigid norms of the era women had to live by. This commentary still takes places at this day and age, perhaps making this a pertinent story to tell. Despite this feature, the movie manages to entertain us without being overly moralizing and invites to be watched.

Release Date

July 15, 2022.

Where to Watch Persuasion (2022)

On Netflix.

The Cast

Dakota Johnson

Dakota Johnson is an American actress known for the saga Fifty Shades (2015-2018) and Suspiria (2018).

Dakota Mayi Johnson was born on October 4, 1989 in Austin, Texas, United States.

She made her debut with the film directed by Antonio banders Antonio Banderas, Crazy in Alabama ((1999), starring Melanie Griffith, her mother. She became known for the saga, Fifty Shades (2015-2018) and, after that, she has appeared in many interesting movies like The High Note (2020), Suspiria (2018), a very interesting and weird movie.

Her last film is Persuasion (2022), co-starring Cosmo Davis.

Other Reviews

“Approached as a free-standing rom-com only loosely tethered to its origins, the film is a sweet distraction”

David Rooney: The Hollywood Reporter 

Official Movie Trailer

YouTube video
Official trailer of Persuasion

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