The Sea Beast (2022). Animation Movie on Netflix. Releases This Friday

The Sea Monster Release Date July 8

The Sea Beast is an animated movie directed by Chris Williams.

It is a fun adventure toon for the young ones to enjoy. It will be released this Friday on Netflix.


An animated adventure film, about an orphaned girl named Maisie who is on a quest to hunt sea monsters, and convinces boat owner and monster hunter, Jacob, to bring her along. In a turn of events, this quick witted girl befriends the most evil of monsters, which turns out to impact the monster hunter’s life in unpredictable ways.

Release Date

July 8, 2022.

Where to Watch The Sea Monster

On Netflix

Movie Reviews

A movie about challenging conventional wisdom and figuring things out for yourself, and that’s a philosophy that worked on both sides of the camera.

Peter Debruge: Variety

This visually sumptuous work is impressive enough to raise hopes that Netflix won’t give up entirely on cartoons.

Leslie Felperin: The Guardian

Movie Trailer

The Sea Beast | Official Trailer | Netflix

Cast and Crew

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