‘The Conference‘ is a Swedish comedy/thriller/slasher movie directed by Patrik Eklund, starring Katia Winter, Lola Zackow, Eva Melander and Adam Lundgren, among others. The story is based on the novel Konferensen by Mats Strandberg. If you are looking forward to this multi-genre movie, you will not have to wait too long for it will debut on Netflix on October 13th.
Synopsis of ‘The Conference’
A group of municipal employees participate in a team-building conference. The atmosphere at the get-together changes when rumors of corruption begin to spread. And then, a mysterious person starts chasing and killing the participants one by one, the nightmare becomes a reality.
Where to watch ‘The Conference’
When to what ‘The Conference’
October 13th
The Cast
Cecilia Nilsson
Christoffer Nordenrot
Amed Bozan
Jimmy Lindstrรถm
Robert Follin
Maria Sid
Marie Agerhรคll
Claes Hartelius
Martin Lagos