Valley of the Dead. Zombie Movie on Netflix. Releases July 12

Veronica Loop
Malnazidos (2022)

Valley of the Dead (2022) is a Spanish, action and adventure, horror comedy blend of a movie directed by Javier Ruiz Caldera and Alberto de Toro. It is starred and co-starred by Miki Esparbé, Aura Garrido, Luis Callejo and Álvaro Cervantes.

The plot is, as you will see, quite peculiar.


Set in Spain during the Civil War in the second half of the 1930’s, fighters from the warring factions have to join forces to combat an even greater threat than their war: nothing less than …… Zombies!

What We Expect

This will definitely be an irreverent movie, full of absurdities. We expect to have quite a few laughs!

Release Date

12 July, 2022.

Where to Watch Valley of the Dead

On Netflix

Cast & Crew. Users Ratings

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