“Best. Christmas. Ever!” is a movie directed by Mary lambert, written by Todd Calgi Gallicano and Charles Shyer, and starring Brandy Norwood, Heather Graham, Jason Biggs, and Matt Cedeรฑo.
Do you fancy a really cheesy Christmas movie? Well, here it is! Fresh from the oven, we present “Best. Christmas. Ever!”, promising to delight those with the sweetest and most festive spirits.
In terms of cinematography, storyline, and acting prowessโฆ it falls a bit short.
But you know these holiday productions all come out around Christmas and are barely distinguishable from one another.
Two childhood friends reunite, almost by chance. One’s life is picture-perfect while the other’sโฆ far from it. They and their partners have to spend Christmas together due to a snowstorm, the perfect excuse to rekindle their undying friendship.
Review of “Best. Christmas. Ever!”
Heather Graham takes the lead role and looks just as stunning as she did twenty years ago, as if time hasn’t touched her. Those are the good news.
The bad news: it’s just another Christmas movie, and those expecting a bittersweet version of “Bad Santa” should look elsewhere because this one has little to offer fans of subtle irony.
If you love Christmas and sing carols at your neighbors’ doors, two things: I hope you don’t know my address, andโฆ you might enjoy this movie (or maybe not).
It’s sugary sweet, with a weak script, filled with forced and somewhat inconsistent situations. You can tell it was quickly filmed in a studio that likely had several shoots that same week, and the actors don’t seem (or don’t do well) to take their characters and dramatic force seriously.
Our Opinion
Merry Christmas. There will be better movies than this one.
Release Date
November 16, 2023