“Big Nunu’s Little Heist” is a comedy film from South Africa that was released in 2023. Directed by Andy Kasrils, the movie features Jefferson Tshabalala,ย Tony Miyambo andย Amahle Khumalo in the lead roles. The story revolves around a former soldier turned deliveryman who gets involved in a clumsy gang led by a local crime boss. Together, they plan an audacious heist in a notorious South African township.
A sixties-inspired, carefree, and ironic style sets the tone for this enjoyable movie, filled with witty dialogue and even wittier doses of irony. It’s the perfect action-comedy film to help you forget about work this Friday.
About the Movie
Do you enjoy heist movies? “Big Nunu’s Little Heist” flips the script on the Ocean’s 11 formula with grace, style, and a generous serving of irony. With a distinct sixties vibe, cleverly adapted photography, and a diverse cast of actors, this film guarantees to entertain us with its heist story, as well as its adventures and mishaps.
Once again, Netflix places its bet on South Africa, and the filmmakers respond with quality, entertaining stories that are well-crafted and, most importantly, have a great pacing.
“Big Nunu’s Little Heist” knows how to make the most of its strengths while also poking fun at its weaknesses (such as its budget). But that doesn’t matter because the actors and technical team know exactly what to do and how to turn a modest film into a production that appeals to international audiences. It’s infused with cinematic irony, delivering a product that is ready for consumption.
Our Opinion
An entertaining film with solid craftsmanship, a well-written script, and generous doses of cinematic irony. It’s the perfect choice for this Friday’s viewing. While it follows the classic heist story formula, it also adds its own unique twist.
Release Date
July 28, 2023