Hello Ghost (2023) A funny Taiwanese comedy on Netflix about ghosts

Hello Ghost is a comedy directed by Hsieh Pei-ju starring Chin-Hua Tseng. It is remake of the 2010 Korean film.

This is an incredibly funny movie with an original concept, charming characters, delightful situations, and all the ingredients to appeal to everyone in small doses.

The only downside is that the movie is a remake and the incredibly funny idea came from another source.

Other than that, it’s a perfect opportunity to enjoy this sense of humor that combines suicide with a family movie and romantic comedy.

A unique blend filled with funny situations.


A boy tries, unsuccessfully, to end his life on several occasions without knowing why. In one of those attempts, he wakes up with the answer: some funny friends are preventing him from doing it in order to solve their own problems together.

Review of “Hello Ghost”

Above all, “Hello Ghost” is hilarious and it knows how to combine what seems impossible and inappropriate: the idea of suicide with comedy, and then with hilarious ghosts who need to solve their own problems. Meanwhile, of course, the boy meets the girl, but his personal baggage prevents him from behaving as he should, while the girl also has her own particular problems.

This is a comedy whose main objective is to entertain. It’s made to make us laugh, not to preach civility or morality. It’s a movie that knows how to laugh at ghosts, romantic comedies, and horror movies themselves.

It almost reaches parody, but with a likable story and characters who, while fulfilling their purpose, know where the limit between “what’s right” and “what’s evil” is. It’s not a movie that mocks everything or falls into parody or excess. It manages to be family-friendly while giving it a touch of mischievous comedy, without ever going too far.

Sentimental, just enough. Romantic, only sometimes. Funny, almost always.

Our Opinion

An incredibly funny concept that is developed in a humorous way and guarantees a good time.

YouTube video

Release date

December 18, 2023

Where to Watch “Hello Ghost”


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