‘Seriously Red’ (2022) Movie Review: a Rather Tacky (and Lovely) Movie

Seriously Red is an Australian comedy movie directed by Gracie Otto starring Krew Boylan.

A charming comedy in pastel tones in the tone of some Australian comedies that gets the most out of its material and dives in with malicious intent in the world of imitators of celebrities.

Funny, idiotic, stupid… Know we like it, right?

About the Movie

Seriously Red
Seriously Red (2022)

This movie is all about what it wants to evoke and if you are looking for elegance or suaveness, run away! This is a movie that is set in a prankish tone but not overdoing it, making dirty jokes staying just shy of vulgarity and it tells us an extremely funny story in which you have to laugh and let yourself be led by the friendliness of Krew Boylan who is an excellent actress in a role that is candy for any actress: she can act and have a good time and at the same time, display all her qualities as an actress.

Seriously Red is comedy… but it isn´t in the Will Ferrer tone: it isn´t “just jokes” it knows how to tell a totally kitschy story, going for laughs, relaxing and staying within the narrative and at the same time adding a social touch. It always has a funny tone that entertains, charms and even has passion.

This film is superficial, stupid and goes for the easiest result: it doesn´t care, because this is a movie that wants to please (a true “feel-good movie”) which only attempts to offer us a good time, and, thanks to those catchy American songs that we all like, give us an hour and a half of entertainment in a tacky style that we could only find in Las Vegas (or something like that, according to what we have been able to see).

This isn´t a “not to be missed” movie but it is intelligent enough to not demand anything from the spectator, amuse and give that “good vibe” that us humans need so frequently.

This is a movie that an AI could not write… at least within the next few days.

Our Opinion

Take a seat, relax and enjoy this empty entertainment full of pastel colors. Banal, funny and friendly.

Seriously Red
Seriously Red (2022)

Release Date

February 10, 2023 (United States)


Gracie Otto

Gracie Otto

An accomplished Australian filmmaker from the Otto acting family. This is her fourth SXSW – as an actress/editor with feature film Three Blind Mice, and “Living Between Fucks” and director of feature documentary “Under the Volcano”. Seriously Red is her debut drama feature. Gracie is currently filming Heartbreak High for Netflix.


Krew Boylan / Red

Daniel Webber / Kenny

Celeste Barber / Teeth

Thomas Campbell / Francis

Jean Kittson
Bobby Cannavale
Rose Byrne
Todd Lasance
Wayne Blair

See full credits >>

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