Wild is the Wind is a movie directed by Fabian Medea, starring Phoenix Baaitse and Chris Chameleon.
An intelligent thriller, which has the virtue confronting a social issue realistically, all the while giving us a good thriller movie.
When two corrupt police officers investigate the brutal murder of a young girl, tensions come to a head in their small, racially-segregated town.
Movie Review
With its ability to tell the story it seeks to tell, and play on “both sides”, justifying the (evident) social commentary in a thriller about conflicts, with interesting characters, and particularly, with a good screenplay.
It does not stand out for its technical grandeur, being understated in that aspect, as its strengths lie elsewhere. The movie manages to rely on its strong points: a good narrative structure, and compelling characterizations that have stories to tell in a secluded township that witnesses how a murder will trigger the uncovering of underlying issues that have been sizzling under the surface.
It is not a fancy production, with over the top special effects; it’s down to earth, with its social realist take that will teleport you to this remote town.
Our Opinion
Its forte lies in the intelligent screenplay.
Release Date
October 28, 2022