Zero to Hero (2024) A Fun Brazilian Comedy on Netflix: Music, Love, and Entanglement

April 03, 2024 6:08 AM EDT
Zero to Hero
Zero to Hero

Zero to Hero is a film starring Lucas Lucco. With Carla Diaz and Felipe Hintze. It is directed by Marcelo Antunez and written by Felipe Folgosi.

Looking for a light-hearted comedy filled with love, music, and drama? “Zero to Hero” is a movie that, without any pretentious aesthetic or narrative aspirations, entertains and amuses. With the incredibly fun and charming Lucas Lucco in the leading role, and not forgetting Felipe Hintze, who plays another likable character, and the beautiful and delightful Carla Diaz, who brings grace and agility to her role.

The film is a whirlwind of romantic entanglements and music, with the backdrop of “sertanejo”, a genre of Brazilian music.


A popular singer suffers a collapse due to alcohol, while another, a heavy metal singer, is (coincidentally) his doppelganger. The producers hire the heavy metal singer to impersonate the popular Brazilian music star, replacing him in concerts… and in his love life.

About the Movie

Pleasant, amicable, and unassuming, “Zero to Hero” is a television comedy of confusion, of a type we’ve seen dozens of times but still finds ways to entertain and amuse. It’s a movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously, with a humorous script full of great moments. The focus is on fun, not over-analyzing the characters, simplifying them without complications – because what’s most important here is to have a good time and forget about it five minutes later.

The hour and a half that the movie lasts flies by, keeping you comfortable and entertained throughout.

“Zero to Hero” is calm and easy-going, with a simple structure and concept: uncomplicated scenes, uncomplex characters, and a plot that doesn’t overtax the brain. There’s no philosophical existentialism here – just a movie made for us to have a good time. Nothing more, nothing less.

“Zero to Hero” is a movie that rests on the shoulders of one man, Lucas Lucco, who gives us one of those handsome, charming characters that mainly require the actor to be good-looking, charming, and a good actor: he has it all and more than meets the dramatic demands of the film. He’s both charming and… handsome.

It’s a romantic comedy, and of course, there’s a girl, played by Carla Diaz, who knows how to express herself and, in her almost secondary role, shapes a great character very professionally.

And yes, in a romantic comedy, you can’t miss the supporting character, this time Felipe Hintze, that “chubby” funny guy we’ve seen in a thousand movies, and who once again, works.

“Zero to Hero” is a cute romantic comedy that works and one of many we’ve seen and will continue to see.

A cute story, a pleasant movie that doesn’t demand anything from itself or the viewer.


Where to Watch “Zero to Hero”


YouTube video

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