Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is an adventures comedy movie directed by Jeff Fowler. Starring James Marsden, Jim Carrey and, of course, our favorite hedgehog: Sonic.
Sonic is determined to make his mark as a hero and decides to stay in Green Hills while Tom and Maddie go to Hawaii for her sister Rachel’s wedding. When Doctor Eggman returns from the mushroom planet in search for the Master Emerald to conquer the world and exact revenge against Sonic with the help of Knuckles the Echidna, Sonic and his new friend Miles “Tails” Prower set out to find the emerald before it falls into the wrong hands. (Filmaffinity)
Movie Reviews
“Video gamesโ fastest hero stumbles forward without charm or personality (…) The sequel is perhaps the most accurate video game adaptation ever put to film โ and that’s no compliment.” Siddhant Adlakha: IndieWire
“The screenplay reflects actual effort, and Jim Carrey gets to be unfettered in his performance, leading a surprisingly satisfying follow-up” Carlos Aguilar: The Wrap
“Carrey is still a riot and he’s forced to hoist up high-budget mediocrity (…) I’d rather see Carrey end his career on a high note instead of a ‘WHY?!’ note (โฆ) Rating: ?? (out of 4)” Johnny Oleksinski: New York Post