‘The Entitled’ Movie Review 2022

July 29, 2022 4:03 AM EDT
The Entitled
The Entitled (2022)

The Entitled is a Netlix comedy starring Ara Molina and Johnny Revilla.It is directed by Theodore Boborol.

A movie full easy-jests.


A girl is surprised with great news: she is the heir of her father, a hotel magnate… and she will have to adapt to a new life of luxury and sophistication accompanied by her lawyer. What a hard job!

Movie Review

This is a movie produced to merely entertain, and does not have any pretensions to do otherwise. It has been included in the giant streaming platform movie program without a big hoopla, proving our point. It is a funny feel-good film, and seems to not aim to be a massive production.

‘The Entitled’ is superfluous, naïve and leans towards the easy jokes…the dubbing does not help with the gist of the jokes, though.

Well produced, as a comedy it is funny (in the easy way – as mentioned), and the protagonist manages to pull off the slapstick humor quite well. One of its virtues is that it turns on the American comedies by using a plot that is as taken straight out of Hollywood, and a genre – rom-com – that is as overused as it is boring. It knows how not to be Hollywood, and plays around with the rules of the genre, creating a completely different, as it is quite original, and refreshing viewing experience.

We insist, though, the humor is of the silly kind. It is not a marvel of a movie, nor will it make history, but if you just sit back and go along for the ride, you might enjoy this movie, and be entertained.

Our Opinion

Do not expect great cinema as this production was not striving for it. It is a piece of entertainment without pretensions, and some slapstick humor.

Release Date

July 29, 2022.

Where to Watch The Entitled

On Netflix.

Movie Trailer


Cast & Crew

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