An Almost Christmas Story, a 2024 animated short film directed by David Lowery, is set to be released this Friday on Disney+. This short film marks the third and final holiday production by Alfonso Cuarón for the streaming platform, following his previous works, Le pupille (2022) and The Shepherd (2023).
The narrative follows Moon, a young owl who inadvertently ends up in a Christmas tree intended for Rockefeller Center in New York City. While trying to return home, Moon befriends a lost girl named Luna. Together, they navigate their journey amidst the holiday backdrop. The film draws inspiration from the real-life story of an owl discovered in the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree in 2020.
The voice cast includes Mamoudou Athie, Cary Christopher, Jim Gaffigan, and Gianna Joseph. John C. Reilly appears as The Folk Singer and contributes four songs to the film, two of which are original compositions.