“The Mothman Revisited” Episode 5 of “Unsolved Mysteries”: the legend of the mothman in this Netflix documentary

July 31, 2024 1:42 PM EDT
The Mothman Revisited
The Mothman Revisited

Welcome to the world of apparitions and people who claim to have seen absolutely incredible things. As if it were an X-Files pisode, this time this episode of “Unsolved Mysteries” is dedicated to the one known as the mothman, a mysterious six-foot figure who appears covered in scales.

Many have seen him or many claim to have seen him, and in this episode we will have the opportunity to meet with investigators of paranormal phenomena. Among all the phenomena supposedly seen, there are the winged humanoids, increasingly seen near Chicago.

Since the 1960s, a kind of winged being has been sighted on several occasions. So many that, finally, the press picked up on it, calling it Mothman: a dark figure with wings and piercing red eyes.

More than 100 appearances in Chicago alone, and then the tragedy moved to Virginia, in Point Pleasant, where the Silver Bridge collapsed. Several witnesses claim to have seen this winged being prowling around, and that is why some claim that it was this being that caused the tragedy.

About the documentary

This chapter makes a real review on testimonies and sightings of this being that has been seen hundreds and hundreds of times by many different witnesses and all seem to agree on its sinister appearance and that it is able to move very quickly and fly.

Be that as it may, fans of these phenomena will find in this chapter a whole collection of stories and a whole Internet community that firmly believes in the phenomenon and that, to this day, are organized and communicated.

An opportunity, indeed, to learn about this phenomenon that occurs nearby in the areas of Chicago and Virginia.

Enjoy, and until the next edition of “Unsolved Mysteries”, which will surely bring us another combination of unexplained phenomena and violent crimes.

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