Floristry As A Science Of Art

March 26, 2023 3:56 PM EDT
Floristry As A Science Of Art
Floristry As A Science Of Art

Flowers accompany people all their lives. They have long been interested in science: botanists describe these plants and collect them in a herbarium, physicians study their healing properties. Since ancient times, it has been customary for almost all peoples of the world to meet and give each other flowers on especially important occasions, to use them as decorations. Floral arrangements are made by florists in flower boutiques and shops. A great example of a quality and reputable flower shop is Djflowers.

In addition to their practical use, flowers have become symbols and expressions of feelings. In different cultures and at different times, the meanings given to flowers have changed.

Flowers are nature’s most beautiful and intricate creations, and their beauty has inspired artists for centuries. They are an inspiration to artists and photographers. Countless works of art represent various flowers. But besides their aesthetic value, flowers are also of great scientific and cultural importance, and the study of them is known as floristry. Floristry is the field that deals with the identification, classification, and distribution of plants, with a focus on the study of flowering plants, or angiosperms.

In this article, we will get acquainted with the fascinating world of floristry and flowers as works of art.

And yet, first of all, flowers are perceived as exponents of the quintessence of natural, natural beauty, as the embodiment of the fine art of floristry, which has come a long way in its formation and development along with human civilization.

Each flower has its own unique structure, colour, and scent. These plants are different from each other. The study of floristry involves understanding how flowers are arranged in each individual species. Floristry deals with the identification and classification of plants based on their flower structure, as well as their distribution and evolution.

Today, anyone who wants to try his hand at the art of floristry is not limited by the time of year or the place where he lives, because in big cities you can find fresh plants all year round and different light forecasts. Finished works can be used to decorate your home, office, or as gifts.

The design of the bouquet is a plan for the future flower arrangement and a carefully considered one. Representing the appearance of a bouquet, the florist determines its height and proportions. It is worth starting to implement the plan only after imagining it.

Harmony is an aesthetic characteristic of a bouquet, and everyone evaluates it from their own subjective point of view. That is why it is very difficult to determine whether a bouquet is harmonious or not.

All flowers are unique and beautiful in their own way. However, sometimes it happens that even a beautiful bouquet does not cause positive emotions, because the flowers do not form a holistic, harmonious composition. The reason for this is a disturbance in the colour scheme of the bouquet. Colour balance is often crucial in floristry.

The colour wheel is irreplaceable in the navigation of colours to create the desired shades. It is used not only by florists, but also by designers, makeup artists, and other representatives of creative professions.

The traditional method of creating a beautiful floral bouquet is with a contrasted palette. Bright shades look too colourful, it is better to combine pastel contrasting colours: light purple, sky blue.

The combination of contrasting shades allows you to create a bright, energised composition. The main rule when creating such a bouquet is to combine natural, not harsh colours. The combination of orange and blue, yellow and green looks great.

A monochromatic combination is used to make a bouquet with flowers of the same colour but different shades. Options with smooth transitions of light shades of colour look organic. Such a composition fascinates with its elegance.

Floristry As A Science Of Art

Outwardly, the bouquet looks simple because of the use of just one tone. Chic and delights of the composition will give plants of different types. Monochromatic colours can be diluted with decorative greenery.

Creating a similar palette composition involves the use of the colours located in the neighbourhood’s spectrum. The method allows you to create many interesting and original bouquets.

This method of making a bouquet is ideal for creating a wedding bouquet, it emphasises the tenderness and beauty of the bride. Also, the method of a similar palette is often used when composing compositions for interior decoration: a banquet hall, a restaurant, etc.

The rainbow method of arranging a bouquet surprises with a wide variety of shades from the entire colour wheel. The compositions of the garden and wild flowers look organic. In such a bouquet, many shades are collected, so there is no contrast, and the composition looks harmonious and attractive.

In conclusion, floristry and flowers as works of art. It is a fascinating and complex topic that has occupied the imagination of artists and scientists for centuries. The study of floristry provides valuable information about the anatomy of flowers, and the art of flowers allows us to appreciate the beauty of bouquets in a new way. You need to correctly approach the combination of colours and study floristry as a science.

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