“Goyo”: A Romantic Journey on Netflix
"Goyo" is an Argentine film written and directed by Marcos Canevale. It stars Nicolás Furtado, Nancy Dupláa and Soledad Villamil.
"Goyo", an Argentine film available...
"Illusions for Sale: The Rise and Fall of Generation Zoe" is a documentary directed by Matías Gueilburt. It is written by Nicolas Gueilburt.
Leonardo Cositorto...
Rest in Peace is an Argentine thriller film starring Joaquín Furriel and Griselda Siciliani. It is written by Marcos Osorio Vidal and directed by...
“ARA San Juan: The Submarine that Disappeared” (2024). Documentary on Netflix
ARA San Juan: The Submarine that Disappeared is a documentary directed by Mauricio Albornoz Iniesta.
In 2017, a submarine departing from Mar de Plata arrived...
Women on the Edge (2023) | Movie on Netflix. Review: A funny Argentine comedy about friendship
Women on the Edge is an Argentine movie directed by Azul Lombardía starring Carla Peterson and Julieta Díaz.
A comedy about two women who decide...
Elena Knows (2023) Movie on Netflix: A woman facing her most terrible ghosts
Elena Knows is an Argentine film directed by Anahí Berneri. It stars Mercedes Morán.
"Elena Knows" is a movie where its lead actress, Mercedes Morán,...