

A Transit of Mercury Happens Nov. 11

The sky will put on a show Nov. 11 when Mercury journeys across the Sun. The event, known as a transit, occurs when Mercury...

Hubble Sees a Sparkling Neighbor Galaxy

The galaxy ESO 300-16 looms over this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. This galaxy, which lies 28.7 million light-years from Earth in the...

Webb Unveils Dark Side of Pre-stellar Ice Chemistry

f you want to build a habitable planet, ices are a vital ingredient because they are the main source of several key elements —...

Starry Wreath in Pegasus

The James Webb Space Telescope spies the spiral galaxy NGC 7469, located 220 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Pegasus, in this image...

Stellar Siblings Host ‘Teenage’ Exoplanets Dicovered by NASA’s TESS

Thanks to data from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international collaboration of astronomers has identified four exoplanets, worlds beyond our solar system, orbiting...

IXPE Measures Exploded Star Remains

When a massive star collapsed in the Cassiopeia constellation, it generated a supernova explosion with some of the fastest shockwaves in the Milky Way....

NASA’s Webb Sheds Light on Galaxy Evolution, Black Holes

In an enormous new image, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reveals never-before-seen details of galaxy group “Stephan’s Quintet”The close proximity of Stephan’s Quintet gives...

Hubble Spots a Merging Galactic Gem

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope observation has captured the galaxy CGCG 396-2, an unusual multi-armed galaxy merger which lies around 520 million light-years from...