

Pluto: A Masterpiece of Mystery and Science Fiction Manga

Pluto is a Japanese manga series that has captivated readers with its gripping storyline, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes. Written and illustrated by the...

‘Record of Ragnarok’ (2021-) Season 2 on Netflix: The Classic Fighting Anime is Back

Record of Ragnarok in an animation series written by Kazuyuki Fudeyasu. It is based on the manga by Shinya Umemura, Ajichika and Takumi Fukui. This...

‘Hell Dogs’ (2022) – Action Movie on Netflix

Hell Dogs is a Japanese action movie adaptation of the 2017 manga novel of same title by Akio Fukamachi. The film is written and...

Lookism – Animation Series on Netflix – Nov

Lookism is an animation series written by Park Tae-joon based on the manga created by Park Tae-joon. Premise In a society that favors good looks, a...