

“Exploding Kittens” A Netflix Animation Series: A Blend of Absurdity, Parody, Irreverence, and Folly

"Exploding Kittens" is a Netrflix animation series created by Matthew Inman. With the voices of Tom Ellis, Suzy Nakamura and Ally Maki. The world of...

“Blame the Game”, A Classic German Comedy on Netflix

"Blame the Game" is a Netflix romantic comedy starring Janina Uhse, Dennis Mojen, Stephan Luca, Taneshia Abt and Edin Hasanović. It is directed by...

“The Champion” – A Spanish Netflix Film: Educating a Rebellious Footballer

"The Champion" is a Netflix movie starring Swit Eme and Dani Rovira. It is directed by Carlos Therón. "The Champion" is a Spanish film that...

“Vikings: Valhalla” Season 3: The Return of Netflix’s Most Charismatic Series

"Vikings: Valhalla" is a series created by Jeb Stuart starring Sam Corlett, Frida Gustavsson, Leo Suter and Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson. Prepare yourself for the return...

“Another Self” Season Two on Netflix: Embracing the Eternal Feminine

"Another Self" is a Turkish TV series starring Tuba Büyüküstün. With Riza Kocaoglu, Seda Bakan and Firat Tanis. The saga of these three companions continues...

“Vanished into the Night” – A Captivating Kidnapping Thriller on Netflix

"Vanished into the Night" is a Netflix movie starring Riccardo Scamarcio and Annabelle Wallis. It is directed by Renato De Maria Netflix returns with a...

Eva Lasting Season 2: Rewinding to the Seventies: The Return of Colombia’s Most Retro Series on Netflix

"Eva Lasting" is a Colombian series starring Emmanuel Restrepo and Francisca Estévez Navas. The acclaimed Colombian series, unknown as "Eva Lasting", makes a triumphant return...

“Wild Wild Punjab”: India’s Netflix Cinematic Extravaganza

"Wild Wild Punjab" is an Indian comedy directed by Simarpreet Singh starring Patralekhaa Paul, Sunny Singh and Varun Sharma. If you were tickled by the...