
The Breakthrough – Swedish Crime Drama Delves Deep into Society’s Shadows

"The Breakthrough" is a Swedish series directed by Lisa Siwe, and starring…

“The Helicopter Heist” – A Miniseries on Netflix: A True Story of Robbers in Sweden

"The Helicopter Heist" is a Netflix series created by Ronnie Sandah starring…

Swedish Film “Trouble” on Netflix: A Delightful Blend of Comedy and Thriller

"Trouble" is a Netflix movie starring Filip Berg. With Amy Diamond and…

A Part of You: A Realistic and Didactic TV Drama on Netflix

Netflix’s latest addition to its Swedish drama roster, "A Part of You,"…

Deliver Me (2024) Series on Netflix: A Dramatic Depiction of an Even Sadder Truth

A series that seeks, at all times, to go far beyond the…

Ronja the Robber’s Daughter (2024), a Medieval Adventure Series for Youth on Netflix

Ronja the Robber's Daughter is a Swedish series directed by Lisa James…

Thank You, I’m Sorry (2023) – Netflix Movie: The absurd (and intelligent) tragedy of life

Thank You, I'm Sorry is a Swedish movie directed by Lisa Aschan…

A Nearly Normal Family (2023) – Miniseries on Netflix: A “Nearly” Thriller for the Whole Family

A Nearly Normal Family is a drama miniseries directed by Per Hanefjord…

“Tore” (2023) | A Netflix Series | Different, Engaging and Humane

"Tore" is a new Netflix series directed by Erika Calmeyer. It is…

“The Conference” (2023) | Slasher-comedy film on Netflix. Review: A humorous take on the gory genre

The Conference is a 2023 Swedish slasher comedy film directed by Patrik…