Extended Alaskan Road Truckers Gameplay Trailer

London, UK – June 12 2023. Following the exclusive Alaskan Road Truckers trailer revealed during The Future Games Show at the weekend, Green Man Gaming Publishing, Movie Games S.A, and Road Studio are excited to release an extended cut of the video showcasing even more footage of life on the road in this definitive trucker experience.

Coming to PC, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 in fall 2023, Alaskan Road Truckers is more than a simulator. You aren’t just a truck, you play as a trucker with a focus on life both inside and outside of your vehicle. Deliver cargo, build a successful business and get out of your truck to explore Alaska while maintaining your vehicle and preparing for treacherous conditions out on the road. 

Susan Hill
Susan Hill
Editor in the technology section. Science, programming and, like everyone in this magazine, passionate about movies, entertainment, art (and also technology). Contact: technology (@) martincid (.) com
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