TV Shows

“KLASS 95: The Power of Beauty” – A New Colombian Telenovela on Netflix

"KLASS 95: The Power of Beauty" is a Colombian series starring Nicole Santamaria, David Palacio, Juan David Galindo, and Valeria Galviz. In the transformative era of the 90s, Colombia sought...

“Blood Legacy” – A Netflix Series: Familial Power Struggles and the Quest for Succession

"Blood Legacy" is a Netflix series starring Xolile Tshabalala, Buyile Mdladla, Mike Ndlangamandla, and Connie Chiume. Series revolving around ambition, influential families, and the tumultuous...

“The Queen of Villains” – A Netflix Series: Women’s Wrestling… in Japan?

"The Queen of Villains" is a Netflix series directed by Kazuya Shiraishi starring Yuriyan Retriever. With Erika Karata, and Ayame Gôriki. In the vast universe...

A Haunting Tale on Netflix: “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story” Delves into Brothers and Patricide in Classic Ryan Murphy Style

"Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story" is the new horror series created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan. It stars Cooper Koch and...

“Twilight of the Gods” – An Animated Series on Netflix Inspired by Norse Mythological Sagas

"Twilight of the Gods" is an animation series created by Zack Snyder, Jay Oliva, and Eric Carrasco. Are you acquainted with Wagner's epic opera, "The Ring of the...

Season 3 of “I Am Georgina” on Netflix: Georgina Rodriguez in Saudi Arabia

Georgina Rodriguez is the star of this documentary series... about herself. It bears her name, her stamp and, as you all know, she is...

“What’s Next? The Future with Bill Gates” – Netflix Documentary: Analyzing the Tumultuous Present with Microsoft’s Visionary Founder and His Notable Companions

Bill Gates presents this documentary series featuring appearances by leading figures from the world of politics, film, music... to discuss current issues and, above...

New Netflix Series “Envious”: A Deep Dive into Romantic Entanglements

"Envious " is an Argentinean comedy series starring Griselda Siciliani. With Esteban Lamothe, Pilar Gamboa, and Violeta Urtizberea. It is directed by Gabriel Medina...

“Ok, Mister”: A Deon Cole Stand-Up Special on Netflix from Los Angeles

Deonm Cole stars in "Ok, Mister," a new stand-up comedy special on Netflix. It is directed by Ryan Polito. Once a staple on Conan O'Brien's...

Season 2 of “Midnight at the Pera Palace”: The Quintessential Mystery and Intrigue Make a Triumphant Return to Netflix

"Midnight at the Pera Palace" is a Turkish series created by Elif Usman starring Yasemin Szawlowski. "Midnight at the Pera Palace" stands as a timeless...

“Ángel Di María: Breaking Down the Wall” – A Netflix Documentary: Unveiling the Most Intimate Side of the Argentine Soccer Icon

"Ángel Di María: Breaking Down the Wall" is a documentary directed by Juan Baldana about the Argentinean soccer player Ángel Di María. The thrilling match...