Introducing stand-up comedian Jeroen Bloemhoff with his new show “Confidently Insecure”.
Join Dutch comedian Jeroen Bloemhoff on a personal journey into his own insecurity. Why is he so insecure that he needs your validation? What makes someone need to get on stage, acting confidently, but very insecure you won’t like him. Even while you read this text, Jeroen is worried that you’re judging him. So, it might be best to come see his show, so he can explain himself and prove to you that he is funny. He’ll try his best at this by telling personal stories, absurd jokes and some introspection.
Vulnerable, introspective, but most of all hilarious!
Performer/Writer: Jeroen Bloemhoff
Monday 22nd August @9:30pm
Tuesday 23rd August @9:30pm
Wednesday 24th August @9:30pm
Running time: 45 minutes
Age recommendation: 18+
Canal Café Theatre – Delamere Terrace, Little Venice, London, W2 6ND.
Box Office:
020 7289 6054
Tickets: £8/6 (+£1.50 booking fee)