Black Barbie

“Black Barbie”: A Social Evolution through the Iconic Representation of Barbie

A Netflix Documentary Examining the Impact of a Barbie for Everyone

Veronica Loop
Veronica Loop
Veronica Loop is the managing director of MCM. She is passionate about art, culture and entertainment.

“Black Barbie” is a documentary written and directed by Lagueria Davis.

Netflix brings us a captivating documentary on how Mattel, the famed toy manufacturing company, shook up their market with a different skin color variant of Barbie- their popular toy icon made especially for little girls. “Black Barbie” unravels the societal transformation embodied in the creation of a black Barbie.

This bold move was suggested by a woman named Beulah Mae Mitchell, who was an employee at Mattel from 1955 to 1999. The documentary explores the creation of this doll and its significance, carrying out a detailed analysis of the childhood experience of African-Americans in North America and the societal change that occurred in the 1960s.

“Black Barbie” is more than just a documentary about the creation of a new toy – it is an examination of segregation throughout the 20th century. The overwhelmingly white representation in Barbie and Ken dolls and their friends reflected the subtle culture of segregation that denied African-Americans their rights, including the right to vote.

While the creation of a black doll did not revolutionize the world, it played a significant role in the movement against segregation and greatly helped to integrate African-Americans into society, overcoming the deeply-rooted segregational cultural heritage that persisted in the United States even in the mid-20th century.

Featuring guest appearances from the creators behind the idea and industry veterans like Shonda Rhimes, this documentary gives us insight into the evolution of African-American women in the entertainment industry and the importance of introducing successful role models from an early age, in terms of education, culture, and society.

“Black Barbie” delves beyond the creation of a child’s plaything and examines the importance of introducing successful role models for all. The creation of this doll, a cultural icon, served to shift societal norms. As this documentary brilliantly portrays, change is often necessary and positive, even if sometimes challenging.

Enjoy your viewing of “Black Barbie” on Netflix!

Where to Watch “Black Barbie”


Black Barbie | Official Trailer | Netflix
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