Control Z Season 3: This Wednesday on Netflix

July 5, 2022
Control Z (2020-)

Control Z is a Mexican series starring Xabiani Ponce de León and Ariana Saavedra.

After the great success of the first two seasons, we can look forward to season three, which expect will be as good as the two first ones.


A hacker has been divulging secrets about his victims around the highschool, which inevitably has led many of the students to join forces, be them friends or foes, to track and catch the perpetrator. There is guaranteed nail-biting suspense and drama, and it will have you sitting on the edge of your seat!

Control Z (2020-)

Third Season Release Date

July 6, 2022.

Where to Watch Control Z Season 3

On Netflix.

Control Z Season 3 Trailer

About the Series

Veronica Loop

Veronica Loop is the managing director of MCM. She is passionate about art, culture and entertainment.

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