An adaptation of internationally acclaimed author Deon Meyer’s crime novel, TRACKERS, shot entirely in South Africa and debuting FRIDAY, JUNE 5, deftly interweaves three story strands into a sophisticated action-packed thriller that covers the length and breadth of the country, explosively colliding in Cape Town in a violent conspiracy involving organized crime, smuggled diamonds, state security, black rhinos, the CIA and an international terrorist plot.
TRACKERS stars James Alexander, Rolanda Marais, Ed Stoppard, Sandi Schultz, Brendon Daniels, Trix Vivier, Thapelo Mokoena, and Sisanda Henna.
Executive producers, Cobus van den Berg, Tim Theron, Jonathan Drake, Robert Thorogood, Deon Meyer; executive creative producer, Steve Maher; series producer, Rebecca Fuller-Campbell; directed by Jyri Kähönen; cinematography by Ivan Strasburg; adapted for television by Robert Thorogood from the novel by Deon Meyer; a Cinemax presentation of a Three River Fiction and Scene23 co-production in association with M-Net and ZDF.