“Gangnam B-Side” is a Korean thriller series directed by Noo-ri Park starring Jo Woo-jin, Ji Chang-wook, Ha Yoon-kyung, and Bibi.
Disney+ and Hulu unveil a gripping new Korean series that delves into life in Seoul’s most prestigious neighborhood, the playground of stars and the wealthyโGangnam. This iconic area, renowned for its glamour, also hides a shadowy side rife with corruption, vice, and drugs.
“Gangnam B-Side” emerges as a crime thriller that expertly distances itself from the typical American series: its highly realistic tone plunges viewers into the murky depths of Seoul’s darkest corners. This series takes viewers on an intense journey through the grim underworld of drugs, exploitation of women, organized crime, prostitution, and police investigations.
Plot Summary
A detective ventures into the seedy underbelly of Gangnam to investigate the disappearance of a young woman, leading him to uncover a world teeming with gangs, prostitution, and narcotics. His quest forces him to delve into the lives of the elites who frequent these illicit circles.
About the Series
As you may know, Disney+ offers a diverse array of series, from Disney’s classic genres (children’s and adventure) to horror and even dark thrillers like this one, “Gangnam B-Side.” This Korean production stands out for its rawness and realism. If you’re familiar with Seoul, you’ll recognize Gangnam, perhaps the city’s most famous district, vibrant with color, lights, and life. However, this series unveils the darker side of this bustling Korean metropolis.
“Gangnam B-Side” is a gritty series that sets its tone from the very first scenes: it aims to expose the corruption lurking beneath the surface of apparent sophistication. The show avoids artificial staging, presenting scenes with stark realism and almost clinical detachment, portraying the cruel and ruthless world it explores without embellishment.
The series places particular emphasis on violence against women and prostitution. Be warned: this is not a series for all audiences, nor does it intend to be. Despite lacking a highly stylized artistic approach, it achieves a distinctive narrative style, though not entirely original. Without resorting to the bizarre or extravagant, it successfully paints a vivid picture of the wild, savage, and unhinged world of prostitution and drugs within this Disney+ thriller.
For those looking to immerse themselves in the dark side of this elegant Korean district, this series is an ideal choice from the Asian country. Its unflinching portrayal of the underbelly of Gangnam offers a compelling and disturbing glimpse into a world few dare to explore.
This new series on Disney+ and Hulu is sure to captivate audiences with its unvarnished depiction of the grim realities hidden behind Gangnam’s glitzy faรงade, providing a stark contrast to the usual glamor associated with the district.
Where to Watch “Gangnam B-Side”