‘Human Playground’ – DocuSeries on Netflix

Human Playground is a documentary series produced by NL Film en TV. It is narrated by Idris Elba, directed by Tomas Kaan, and written by Maarten Hoedemaekers.

In six episodes we are shown how humans seek extreme sports and challenges, as a result of what we have turned into “play” in order to aid us in our evolution. We see examples, in the Sahara desert, France the Netherlands, Ethiopia, Mongolia, and many more places and practices in which humans push themselves, willingly, to the limit.

Episodes in the series:

Breaking the Pain Barrier

The Ancient Ritual

Rites of Passage

In Pursuit of Perfection

God’s Playground

Big Business

Where and When to Watch

September 30 on Netflix

Veronica Loop
Veronica Loophttps://medium.com/@veronicaloop
Veronica Loop is the managing director of MCM. She is passionate about art, culture and entertainment.
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