Man on the Run – Documentary on Netflix: The Story of Jho Low and 1MDB

January 05, 2024 4:54 AM EST
Man on the Run - Netflix
Man on the Run - Netflix

Man on the Run is a documentary directed by Cassius Michael Kim.

Between 2009 and 2018, $5 billion was stolen from 1MDB funds and distributed to accounts around the world. All suspicions are focused on Jho Low, a man seen with DiCaprio, De Niro, Paris Hilton, and other stars. A life of luxury between two continents, surrounded by stars and glamour.

The story of Low Taek Jho: a man of legendary parties, filled to the brim with celebrities, for example, he had Britney Spears pop out of a cake. From the most exclusive clubs in Manhattan to million-dollar parties in Las Vegas. Who is Jho Low?

About the documentary

A documentary that uncovers relationships and a complex web that reaches into the world of politics. Low was a smart guy who, like the Count of Monte Cristo, managed to rebuild his life around money, surrounding himself with the most powerful politicians in Malaysia to create millionaire funds.

1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad) was a fund created to provide infrastructure for development, within a government program called “1Malaysia,” which spoke of unity to grow in harmony and in unity. The money came from Saudi Arabia, Qatar… from everywhere, in an acronym that promised skyscrapers and country renewal.

1MDB was in the highest spheres of Malaysia but would soon make its way to Hollywood, and that’s where the celebrities entered and Low became a star.

However, the documentary, which uses celebrities as a clear lure, focuses more on the political connections of this fund, perfectly explaining the web that surrounded these financial funds, which ended up with a man on the run and all that money disappeared.

A story told in a very serious and analytical way, offering above all interviews with journalists who investigated the case. It makes some accusations, but “Man on the Run” wants to give credibility to this case and provides all the necessary data to understand the magnitude of this financial scandal.

Our opinion

A good documentary that perfectly explains this case of theft and the international implications. In essence, a documentary about how corrupt the world is and how, if we dig a little deeper, no one can escape the terrible allure of money.

Where to Watch “Man on the Run”


About Jho Low

In recent years, the name Jho Low has become synonymous with one of the biggest financial scandals in history – the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal. Jho Low, a Malaysian businessman, has been accused of masterminding a complex scheme to siphon billions of dollars from the 1MDB fund into his personal accounts. This article delves into the life and career of Jho Low, exploring his early years, business dealings, and the ongoing investigation into his role in the 1MDB scandal. Read more

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