“Dalah: Flowers and Death” is a Netflix series starring Urassaya Sperbund and Chayanit Chansangavej.
Glamour, high society, good taste, and… a murder and plenty of mystery. “Dalah: Death and the Flowers” is a new mystery series that combines family, political, and business intrigues with the central character of a mysterious woman who, in charge of floral design at the grand wedding of the heir and Prime Minister candidate, seems to carry mystery with her. Her name: Dalah.
“Dalah: Death and the Flowers” is a series that, with a great sense of aesthetics and photography, knows how to combine the family intrigues of high-ranking families with mystery and even thriller elements.
Six episodes specially designed for lovers of mystery and intrigue.
The plot revolves around a murder that shakes the foundations of the Thai political elite. Ohm-Anusorn, the leading candidate for Prime Minister, is found dead on his wedding day, triggering an investigation that uncovers dark secrets and high-level scandals. At the center of this whirlwind is Dalah, played by the talented Yaya Urassaya Sperbund, a sophisticated floral designer hired for the wedding arrangements. Far from being a mere witness, Dalah finds herself entangled in a web of intrigues and decides to investigate on her own, unearthing truths that could shake the foundations of Thai society.
About the series
The series, consisting of six 52-minute episodes, promises to be a visual and narrative feast. Directors Dream Thanika Jenjesda and Alisa Pien have created a world where the beauty of floral arrangements contrasts with the darkness of human secrets. A series in which the philosophy behind floral arrangement blends perfectly with the tone of the story, adding a refined and delicate touch throughout.
The cast includes Pat Chayanit Chansangavej as Risa, the bride left at the altar, and Ryu Vachirawich Watthanaphakdeephaisan as Sarath, a hotel employee with suspicious connections. Each character adds an additional layer of complexity to the plot, from relatives of the deceased to members of the bride’s family, all with potential motives for the crime.
Director Alisa Pien praises the cast’s dedication, especially highlighting Yaya Sperbund’s work in building the character of Dalah. “Dalah: Death and the Flowers” is not just a conventional whodunit. The series promises to explore deep themes, offering viewers an intimate look at the internal struggles of each character. The carefully crafted historical background of the Aueathepa family adds an additional dimension to the narrative, intriguingly connecting past events with the present.
Enjoy it!
Where to Watch “Dalah: Death and the Flowers”