“Pact of Silence” (“Pacto de Silencio” in Spanish) is a Mexican telenovela produced by Mar Abierto Productions for Netflix. The series premiered on October 11, 2023 and stars Camila Valero, Kika Edgar, Adriana Louvier, Marimar Vega, Litzy, Josรฉ Manuel Rincรณn, Martรญn Barba, Rodolfo Salas, and Chantal Andere.
The story revolves around a young influencer named Camila, who discovers that she was abandoned at birth. In order to uncover the identity of her mother and seek revenge, Camila infiltrates the lives of four women who could potentially be her mother.
As Camila gets closer to these four women, she begins to unravel secrets that will forever change her. The truth about her birth is much darker and more sinister than she ever imagined.
Release Date
October 11, 2023
Visitor Rating: 3 Stars
Visitor Rating: 3 Stars
Visitor Rating: 2 Stars