TV Shows

Ólóládé (2023) A Comedy Series on Netflix: A nice series that, without transcending, manages to entertain thanks to its likeable characters and their way...

Ólóládé is a Nigerian series directed by Olawale Adetula starring Kunle Idowu, Femi Adebayo, and Mide Martins. "Ólóládé" is a dark comedy of deaths… a...

A Nearly Normal Family (2023) – Miniseries on Netflix: A “Nearly” Thriller for the Whole Family

A Nearly Normal Family is a drama miniseries directed by Per Hanefjord starring Alexandra Karlsson. With Lo Kauppi, Björn Bengtsson, and Christian Fandango Sundgren....

Harley Quinn Renewed for its Fifth Season

The critically acclaimed Max Original adult-animated series HARLEY QUINN has been renewed for a fifth season. Season 4 logline: This biting and uproarious adult animated comedy follows...

“My Daemon” (2023) Animation Series on Netflix: Entertaining, Intelligent, and Highly Imaginative

"My Daemon" is an animation series directed by Nat Yoswatananont. Kento is a boy who has raised a Daemon creature in a post-apocalyptic Japan after...

Lo que la verdad esconde: El caso Asunta (Operación Nenúfar) (2017) True crime documentary on Netflix: the grisly story of a murdered girl

Lo que la verdad esconde: El caso Asunta (Operación Nenúfar) is a documentary directed by León Siminiani. In a place called Teo, in Santiago de...

High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America (Season 2) | A Docuserie on Netflix

High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America is a documentary series directed by Roger Ross Williams, Jonathan Clasberry, and Yoruba Richen....

“Mike Birbiglia: The Old Man and The Pool” | Stand-Up Comedy Special on Netflix

Mike Birbiglia stars in "The Old Man and The Pool", a stand-up show directed by Seth Barrish. Someone once said that making people laugh was...

“Great Photo, Lovely Life: Facing a Family’s Secrets” – HBO Original Documentary, November 5

The HBO Original documentary GREAT PHOTO, LOVELY LIFE: FACING A FAMILY’S SECRETS, directed by Amanda Mustard and Rachel Beth Anderson, debuts TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5 (10:00-11:55 p.m....