TV Shows

“My Happy Marriage” (2023) – Japanese Animation Series on Netflix

"My Happy Marriage" (わたしの幸せな結婚) is a Japanese series directed by Takehiro Kubota. The story follows Miyo in traditional Japan, as she navigates through an arranged...

‘Sintonia’ (2019-) Season 4 on Netflix on July 25

Sintonia returns directed by Kondzilla (Creator), Guilherme Moraes Quintella (Creator), Felipe Braga (Creator) and Johnny Araújo, starring Jottapê and Bruna Mascarenhas. Told through three different characters' perspectives, the story of...

“Back to 15” (2022-) Season 2 on Netflix

"Back to 15" is a Brazilian series starring Maisa Silva and Camila Queiroz. Anita continues her journey back to the past in this "Back to...

“Wham!” (2023) Netflix Documentary about the Musical Duo George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley

"Wham!" is a documentary directed by Chris Smith that explores the rise of the popular pop band. During the 1980s, Wham! emerged as one of...

‘Devil’s Advocate’ (2023) Series on Netflix on July 13

Devil's Advocate is a Kuwaiti Series directed by Essam Abdel Hamid, starring Haya Abdel Salam, Ali Kakooli and Noor Al-Dulaimi. In Kuwait City, a determined...

‘Tom Segura: Sledgehammer’ (2023) Stand-Up Comedy on Netflix

From Phoenix, Arizona, Tom Segura fearlessly tackles almost anything from the very beginning, with highly risky jokes that, thanks to his charm and personality,...

‘The King Who Never Was’ (2023) True Crime Documentary on Netflix

"The King Who Never Was" is a documentary mini-series directed by Beatrice Borromeo. A murdered boy, royalty, and countless pages filled with ink, all revolving...

‘Sugar Rush: The Baking Point’ (2023) Netflix Reality on July 12

Sugar Rush: The Baking Point is a new reality starring Carlos 'Capi' Pérez, Gris Verduzco and Luis Robledo Richards. In this race against time, six...