Good Night World is a Japanese anime series released on Netflix starring Daisuke Hirose, Nobunaga Shimazaki, and Akio Otsuka among others.
There are two worlds: the virtual one, where you can be a hero and live virtual adventures, form clans, and take on any role you want; and the real one, where everything is gloomy and dark, and reality, as our protagonist describes it, is crappy.
“Good Night World” is a Japanese animated series that plays with this idea and, with humor and sometimes dark undertones, takes us from one world to another in the story of a boy who lives for video games, abandoning real life for the virtual world, where he feels comfortable and fulfilled.
It is a series that starts in the realm of the virtual to take us through more personal and human stories, approaching the characters in a convincing way, in an original and, surprisingly, realistic and well-executed story. An opportunity for lovers of Japanese manga to enjoy another interesting proposal from Netflix.
Enjoy it.
In this family, there’s an older brother who rarely leaves the house, preferring to stay indoors. On the other hand, the younger brother is highly accomplished and successful. Unfortunately, the father doesn’t receive the respect he deserves from his own children, while the mother tends to neglect her responsibilities at home. It’s a family that’s struggling and fractured, but what they don’t realize is that they are all unknowingly part of an online game.
Release Date
October 12, 2023
Where to Watch Good Night World
The Cast
Aoi Yuki
Ryohei Kimura
Hiroki Nanami
Kenjiro Tsuda
Rie Takahashi
Visitor Rating: 3 Stars