Netflix Premieres the Korean Series “Frankly Speaking”: A Comedy About Honesty on TV (and Love)

May 01, 2024 10:59 AM EDT
Frankly Speaking
Frankly Speaking

Netflix introduces “Frankly Speaking”, a South Korean production. Crafted by Choi Kyung-sun and produced by KeyEast and SLL, this straightforward and enjoyable comedy aims to entertain and amuse, adding a touch of sentimentality and romance.

Don’t expect grand characters, epic narratives or dramatic situations, because “Frankly Speaking” is a series of simple jokes meant for pure relaxation and a good time.


A TV host loses the ability to lie live on-air while a scriptwriter must deal with the fallout from this “minor” inconvenience.

A Fun-filled Korean Series with a Classic Sense of TV Humor:

“Frankly Speaking” is a classical comedy — friendly and aiming solely to entertain. Netflix has released a single episode and from what we’ve seen, it includes quite basic, straightforward jokes suited for all audiences, without a particular inclination towards sophistication or irony.

The Actors:

However, the series has its charm as one of those TV shows that aim to provoke laughter and nothing more. Set in a television studio and led by a host (portrayed by Go Kyung-pyo) and a scriptwriter (Kang Han-na), they form an amusing comic duo. Neither one outshines the other as both achieve a comedic chemistry, fostered by a script with little drama to perform and simplistic character development.

It’s a series where the goal is to be funny, and both actors excel in roles that allow for overacting, animated expressions, and a whole showcase of basic yet enjoyable comedy.

A Production That Rises to the Occasion:

As with all South Korean productions, even the simplest comedies boast excellent production values. It’s an industry rich in experience that seems capable of successfully undertaking projects like this effortlessly, with a script that almost writes itself, sprinkled with a couple of decent jokes, and fronted by two talented actors.

With its industry standing and Netflix distribution, this series may not be a breakout international success but will undoubtedly fulfill its purpose: to entertain without complicating the viewer’s life in the slightest.

Our Thoughts:

There are better series and better comedies out there. “Frankly Speaking” might not be great or particularly hilarious, yet within the simplicity of its proposition, it possesses charm and an awareness that its sole purpose is to make us laugh.

It seeks and aspires to nothing more, and perhaps, that is where its appeal lies.

Where to Watch “Frankly Speaking”


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