“The Night Agent” is a Netflix thriller series created by Shawn Ryan starring Gabriel Basso with Luciane Buchanan, Fola Evans-Akingbola, and Sarah Desjardins.
“The Night Agent” is a gripping political thriller series on Netflix that captivated audiences with its intense plot and complex characters. Season 2 continues to delve into the world of espionage, political intrigue, and high-stakes drama. Following the success of the first season, the second season promises to up the ante with even more twists and turns.
In Season 2, the protagonist, Peter Sutherland, finds himself deeper in the web of conspiracy and danger. As a low-level FBI agent working in the basement of the White House, Peter’s life takes a dramatic turn when he receives a call on the emergency line that thrusts him into a world of intrigue. The new season explores his journey as he navigates the treacherous waters of political espionage, uncovering secrets that could shake the very foundations of power.
The series is known for its fast-paced storytelling, intricate plotlines, and well-developed characters. Season 2 continues to build on these strengths, offering viewers a thrilling ride filled with suspense and unexpected revelations. With its blend of action, mystery, and political drama.
The Cast
Phoenix Raei
Enrique Murciano
D.B. Woodside
Hong Chau