Season 2 of “The Rig,” a thrilling TV series on Prime Video, continues to captivate audiences with its intense drama and mystery. This season takes the surviving crew of the Kinloch Bravo to a secret offshore facility called the Stac, located in the perilous Arctic Circle. The crew must navigate the aftermath of a devastating tsunami while facing new conspiracies and threats from the ocean’s depths.
Developed by Wild Mercury Productions and directed by John Strickland and Alex Holmes, the series is written by David Macpherson, Matthew Jacobs Morgan, and Meg Salter. The cast includes Iain Glen, Emily Hampshire, Martin Compston, and Mark Bonnar, among others.
Premiering in 2023, season 2 consists of six episodes.
Where to Watch “The Rig”
The Cast
Owen Teale
Mark Addy
Molly Vevers
Abraham Popoola
Nikhil Parmar
Stuart McQuarrie
Ross Anderson
Phil McKee
Jacob Fortune-Lloyd
Johannes Roaldsen Fürst
Alice Krige