Yu Yu Hakusho is a series directed by Shô Tsukikawa starring Takumi Kitamura, Jun Shison, Kanata Hongo and Shuhei Uesugi. Based on the manga by Yoshihiro Togashi.
Once upon a time, the human and demonic realms were connected. Now, a 17-year-old boy must navigate between the two worlds as a “spirit detective” and, with his extraordinary powers, try to mend the rifts between them.
From Japan comes this adaptation of Yoshihiro Togashi’s manga, which has all the ingredients to become an immediate success on the streaming platform: action, aesthetics, imagination, humor, and above all, the rebellious and daring spirit embodied in its main character, Yusuke Urameshi.
About the series
“Yu Yu Hakusho” is primarily a series built from the imagination of Yoshihiro Togashi’s manga. It is a story that lends itself to action-packed storytelling while developing characters and a whole aesthetic of fantasy, demons, and monsters, making it both modern and traditional.
Furthermore, “Yu Yu Hakusho” is well-directed and intelligently produced. It manages to avoid being overly frivolous by providing the characters with good dialogue and stories, constructing them with depth instead of focusing solely on aesthetics. “Yu Yu Hakusho” is not just a collection of action scenes; it knows how to develop its narrative and make us interested, both in terms of storytelling and aesthetics.
It is a series filled with well-composed shots, carefully crafted scenes, and above all, overflowing with vivid imagination and fantastical elements that transport us into a world of battles and spirits.
Our opinion
Entertaining? No, utterly captivating: a series with a strong sense of “good vibes” that blends modernity, humor, and global entertainment. Paradoxically, it reminds us of happier times in the world of cinematic art.
Release date
December 14, 2023