Sins of Our Mother is a true crime docu-series produced in 2022, directed by Skye Borgman. It covers the murder cases Lori Vallow and Chad Guy Daybell were charged for.
This is a horrifying story of child abuse, cult practices, delusional people allowed to adopt, and what led the two murderers to perpetrate.
Sins of Our Mother is a three part docu-series covering the case of Lori Vallow and Chad Guy Daybell, her husband. Both were charged in May 2021 with first degree murder of their children Tylee Ryan, 16, J.J. Vallow, 7 and Chadโs former wife, Tammy Daybell.
About this Docu-Series
In the first part Lori takes center-stage. With a history of failed marriages, some of them seriously abusive โ towards her and her children – she joined the a called LDS (Latter day saints) Church. To integrate further into the church, she had to marry again and adopt a child. Lori became increasingly involved in this church, and it is where she met Chad Guy Daybell. Enter Chad, we are told about his background. This man is has ambitions within the church, believing he has access to privileged information from the other side, and that he has a direct line to Jesus. Well…. what to say?
The docu-series is a true ‘true crime’ genre piece grinding in the gory details, with the found footage, home-recordings video and audio, interviews with the son, friends, a forensic psychologist, and the mandatory ominous score. Then again it is directed by a true crime veteran Skye Borgman, so we that is a strong indication what is being offered.
Release Date
September 14, 2022.