‘Spirit Rangers’ (2022-) Second Season on Netflix

Spirit Rangers is an animated preschool streaming television series created by Karissa Valencia. Directed by Dominique Monfery and Dorothée Robert.

Spirit Rangers comes to us with all the good vibes of a series created for children in order to entertain and, at the same time, learn a good lesson: respect for nature.

Los guardaespíritus del bosque
Spirit Rangers

It is a series about community and the understanding between its diverse inhabitants because, in the end, we all live under the same sun, no matter how many differences (most of the time inconsequential) there might be among all of us.

A series to learn valuable lessons, full of magic and fantasy so we can leave the children (for a while) in the good hands of a tv production that aims to educate and entertain at the same time.

Enjoy it, starting Monday, May 8 in its second season.

Release Date

May 8

Where to Watch Spirit Rangers


Series Trailer

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