The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself is a series directed by Colm McCarthy, Debs Gardner-Paterson y Rachna Suri. It stars Jeska Pike, Tygorah Smith, Eric Godon and Claire Ganaye.
In eight episodes this fantasy series for teens and young adults takes the audience to a world of witches and wizzards in contemporary Britain.
Caught between two warring clans, the son of a notorious witch responsible for a deadly massacre tries to find his place in the world โ and his powers.
About the Series
There is always room for magic and fantasy irrespective of the setting. On this occasion it is modern day Britain, which gives it a distinctive facet. The storyline is more reminiscent of The Lost Boys and The Twilight Saga than it is of Harry Potter, despite it dealing with the wizzarding theme. Produced with a fewer means, like the early days of the TV show Dr. Who, it still manages to tell a good story thanks to the script.
It is economical with the special effects, and relies on the more earthy characterizations rather than on the fanciful superhero profiles you would see in say, a Marvel production.
Our Opinion
A series that distances itself from the stereotypes and undeniably manages to be different.
Release Date
October 28, 2022
Where to Watch ‘The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself’
Series Trailer
Jay Lycurgo / Nathan | Nadia Parkes / Annalise |
Emilien Vekemans / Gabriel | Isobel Jesper Jones / Jessica |
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Visitor Rating: 3 Stars