“The Diplomat” is a Netflix series created by Debora Cahn starring Keri Russell. With Rufus Sewell, David Gyasi, and Ato Essandoh.
“The Diplomat” is an immensely entertaining political intrigue series that, while initially confined to the corridors of power, has swiftly morphed into a highly engaging spy thriller. What began as a tale of office politics, embassies, and meetings has now escalated into a drama rife with terrorist attacks, high-level political conspiracies, betrayals, and accusations at the highest echelons of power. Just to be clear, this is pure fiction: “The Diplomat” offers a thoroughly captivating narrative that encompasses everything from comedy to romance.
About the Second Season
You might recall how the first season concluded: a car bomb attack. The fallout from this event is catastrophic, with the British government itself now under suspicion of orchestrating the attack to frame the Russians, dragging Iran into the frayโฆ it’s a colossal mess at the highest level, filled with plot twists, relentless pacing, and a tremendous amount of stress, especially in the corridors of power.
“The Diplomat” masterfully makes diplomatic tension its hallmark and doesn’t shy away from pushing this tension to its absolute limits. In summary, each episode keeps us on the precipice of an incident that could shatter global order and potentially trigger a world war. The question looms large: can they prevent it?
Amidst such overwhelming tension, it’s impossible not to view the series for what it truly is: a cleverly crafted piece of television entertainment, precise in its script and character development. It encompasses absolutely everything while consistently ramping up both diplomatic and personal tensions, with characters perpetually walking a tightrope.
The show is brimming with pace, tension in its editing, and consistently high-quality production. It boasts excellent cinematography and performances that rise to the occasion, with Keri Russell leading the charge in this international plot that never offers a moment of respite.
Our Opinion
The second season aims to surpass its predecessor and achieves this goal. Operating on the same parameters of a spy thriller on the brink of perpetual global conflict, “The Diplomat” emerges as an entertaining and amusing thriller full of continuous surprises.
Where to Watch “The Diplomat”