Chelsea Handler goes all out in this stand-up comedy special from New Jersey. She begins by thanking the homosexuals in the room before quickly diving into a festival of controversial topics that will lead us to the show’s main theme: her most intimate secrets from adolescence. Yes, Chelsea Handler doesn’t hold back and doesn’t hesitate to tell us about what she was doing at eight years old and what she started calling “the feeling”.

This special is packed with sexual references and jokes on this topic, told without absolutely any restraint and with humor, without complexes and with great joy. There’s no way you won’t like Chelsea Handler: she’s funny, daring, approachable, and above all, knows how to deliver a direct and almost raw monologue about this and a thousand other topics.
Chelsea Handler’s style is, above all, about reaching the audience and making them feel comfortable. She chooses a topic like sexuality and throws herself into it without reservations, gesturing, telling hilarious personal anecdotes that provoke laughter from the deepest part of oneself.
Handler’s humor is not intellectual or refined: it’s more direct, close, and accessible to everyone, as long as, of course, it’s not a stand-up show for the whole family.
In a world where AI seems to threaten us all, Chelsea Handler offers a show full of humanity, where the protagonist, beyond the countless jokes, is that adolescent “self” before having to face the discomforts and tragedies of life. Without being refined or sophisticated, Chelsea Handler’s new stand-up has the brilliant sensation of immediacy and, above all, of closeness and sincerity.
Enjoy it and prepare to laugh a little at yourselves.
We could really use that.
Where to Watch “Chelsea Handler: The Feeling”