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About Fate – Review: A Harmless Rom-Com

About Fate
About Fate (2022)

About Fate is a movie directed by Marius Vaysberg, starring Emma Roberts and Thomas Mann.

If you are under the impression that About Fate will be another “silly” romantic comedy, you should give film reviewing a shot, because your instincts are spot on.


She is dating the wrong guy; He is about to propose to his girlfriend, who is not an ideal match for him. They, that is She and He, are made for each other, but they are not entirely convinced of that possibility.


It is not that we have anything against romantic comedies, but once you have seen one, you have pretty much seen most of them, including this one, About Fate. Is it one of the most unjustifiable rom-coms productions? No, not really. Its main characters are charming, and the supporting roles are funny… it is a bit of the same ol’ same ol’, just a tad blander.

One has to be very love-struck to continuously use the same narrative structure, and apply the established waltzy rhythm in the sequence of events in traditional rom-coms, with agreeable protagonists, who are initially unlucky in love, suffer a minor crisis, and voila, cupid ensures that everything falls into place. They stumble about their lives, find themselves in quirky situations, and they are always within the norm, with great jobs, great families, great looks, but oh so unhappy in the romantic love department.

In this feature film, we find Emma Roberts adorable, and we do not doubt her potential. Thomas Mann (no, not the author) is likable with his glasses, and the piano and violin music that one never tires of listening to.

Well, if you have not had enough of About Fate here comes the most amusing element of the movie. It is set in Christmas. Yes, this year I seemed to have skipped fall altogether, and entered December unwittingly, straight out of a summer heatwave. What happened to Halloween?

About Fate has hardly anything new to offer. It is neither original, nor exceptionally funny, barring a couple of scenes – for instance the scene in the sauna during the bachelor’s party – there are some quirky misunderstandings that might make you smile, but you not will giggle, let alone laugh out loud.

It is a conventional movie that steers clear of any daring move at all.

Our Opinion

If you are looking for an unchallenging romantic comedy that follows the classic rom-com structure, and is neat and tidy, this might the perfect formula for you. As I see it, it is precisely that “chemical formula”, which failed to convince me.


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