Incantation is a 2022 Taiwanese horror movie directed by Kevin Ko. Starring Ken-Yan Tsai, Kao Yin-Hsuan, Sean Lin and Ching-Yu Wen.
One of the best horror movies of the year.
Li Ro-nan (played by Tsai Hsuan-yen) has been cursed for years, after messing around with unknown dark forces she and her group of journalist friends wanted to prove did not exist. It was in their eagerness to prove it was nothing but superstition that they attended a sketchy ritual which, as she tells in her video was a grave mistake.
So much so, that even watching her video blog entry, where she retells the events can expose the viewers to those ominous forces. However, she has no other choice but to put it out there as a plea for help in order to save her daughter from going through what she had to endure.
Movie Review
Scary? This movie had us sitting comfortably in our seats, so to speak. It sets the ominous mood, though, its hokey, being the mockumentary it is.
Release Date
July 8, 2022.
Where to Watch Incarnation
On Netflix.
what a crap!