“Medusa Deluxe” is a British murder mystery film directed by Thomas Hardiman, starring Clare Perkins, Anita-Joy Uwajeh, Kae Alexander, Harriet Webb, Darrell D’Silva, Luke Pasqualino and Heider Ali.
Set in a competitive hairdressing competition, where one of the contestants is found murdered and the remaining contestants must then try to uncover the killer, as rivalries and mistrust build among them.
This whodunit thriller set in a hairdressing competition, was initially released a the Locarno Festival in the summer of 2022, and has since been released in the U.K. Soon you will be able to enjoy this gripping, and by all accounts stylish murder mystery in a theater near you.
“It all adds up to something not so unlike one of the competing hair-dos: ornate, effortful and niche, but oddly hard to take your eyes off.” – Danny Leigh, Financial Times
“An arresting and visually stunning achievement, Medusa Deluxe breaks the framework on storytelling and sheds the skin of a subculture in the process.” – Marisa Mirabal, indieWire
When to watch “Medusa Deluxe”
July 28th / August 11th (depending on your region)
Where to watch “Medusa Deluxe”
The Director
Thomas Hardiman
Actor, director, writer and producer Thomas Hardiman has a number of directorial projects in his filmography, which include: Stories Without Endings, Hanging a Picture, Duck in the Dojo, Time on My Hands, Radical Hardcore, Medusa Deluxe (2023), Pitch Black Panacea (2020).
The Cast
Debris Stevenson
Heider Ali
Kae Alexander
Kayla Meikle
Lilit Lesser
Luke Pasqualino
Nicholas Karimi
John Alan Roberts
Michelle Parker