“Unknown: Killer Robots” (2023) Documentary on Netflix: The Military Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Unknown: Killer Robots” is a documentary on Netflix that explores the military use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Directed by Jesse Sweet, this film delves into the implications of using AI in warfare.

In a matter of seconds, an AI can develop lethal chemical weapons capable of wiping out entire populations. In such a context, the army equipped with the most advanced AI would therefore emerge victorious. There is no room for second place in warfare.

The race to develop superior and faster AI in the military realm has only just begun. This thought-provoking documentary, with a runtime of just over an hour, prompts us to reflect on numerous aspects and instills a sense of unease.

About the Documentary

Technical aspects aside, anyone who values their life, will be disturbed by this documentary, which is designed to evoke fear, if not a sense of dread. It tackles a subject matter that warrants such concern.

We are presented with a chilling scenario where a powerful technology, guided by algorithms, determines whether an action is legal or illegal, regardless of the consequences, which ultimately reduce human lives to mere zeros and ones.

Imagine an innocuous video game where you and I exist as computer-generated images, while an external algorithm (the player) decides with mathematical precision whether to shoot us. It goes beyond the realm of disquiet.

The documentary delves into autonomous drones that, thanks to AI algorithms, can perform tasks independently and make split-second decisions. These decisions, whether to act or not, are determined autonomously by the algorithm, simply reduced to a binary choice.

But the documentary takes it further, shedding light on private companies developing brutal war machines that currently cannot differentiate between civilians and combatants. If unleashed on the battlefield, these machines could turn the tide in favor of the side that deploys them.

Will moral considerations prevail in the military use of AI? Can a universal moral code prevent all armies from harnessing this technology on the battlefield?

The documentary also explores the capabilities of AI, showcasing Deep Mind, Google’s AI, and how it defeated champions in video games.

In conclusion, beyond its cinematic qualities, this documentary forces us to contemplate the value of human life when it is reduced to the binary world of a video game, where a life is ultimately just a number.

It is a terrifying and brutal truth.

In just one hour and eight minutes, this documentary compels us to contemplate the true horror behind the fragility of human life.

Release date

July 10, 2023

Where to Watch Unknown: Killer Robots


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